Why We Love Citrus Shampoo - Nov 2015

30th Oct 2015

Citrus Shampoo

Nature's Specialties Citrus Shampoo (Food Grade Citrus Base)

citrus bottlesNature’s Specialties is at the top of its class, when it comes to their full line of Premium shampoo conditioners and optimizers.   They have the most amazing skin & coat specific treatments available for your pet’s needs. These products are also used worldwide in the cattle and equine industries.

Nature’s Specialties has a very popular line of shampoo, which will not strip the natural oils from your pet’s skin and coat. However, there is always an exception to the rule, sometimes you need to strip or de-grease the whole coat, or just certain areas of your pet. That is why Nature's Specialties has Citrus Shampoo!  Do not underestimate the values of CITRUS shampoo for this reason.  For instance if you have a client with a very greasy grimy pet and the pet has a skin issue, it is always a good idea to start the bath with Citrus Shampoo to totally degrease and remove dirt from the skin and coat.


  • This shampoo is a very deep cleaning choice, it is less expensive than other skin treatment shampoos, and in many cases you will need to bath greasy pets twice. The second bath can be the actual skin treatment of your choice.
  • After a Citrus bath, the pet’s clean skin and coat is exposed and will then get the full benefit from the skin treatment of your choice.  For best results, gently massage shampoo into the skin and coat and leave on for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • We always have a bottle of Citrus Shampoo pre-mixed in the morning near the tub, as it is great to clean greasy ear leathers (be careful not to get it down the ear canal).
  • Citrus Shampoo is great for cleaning and deodorizing a dirty butt.
  • Deep cleans naturally
  • Aids in relief of skin irritations due to flea infestations (Fleas HATE HATE HATE Citrus!)

  Please contact us for more information. Shop Grooming Supplies now!