These products may save your grooming day - AOE & KOE

30th Oct 2017

Have you ever finished grooming a dog for it to go and express its anal glands or defecate on the table?  Or have you noticed a smell coming from your kennels?  Well you are not alone, so we thought we should share a few of the products we use in these situations.

1.  AOE (Animal Odor Eliminator)

Has a dog expressed its anal glands or do you need a quick way to clean off your table or equipment?  Then get these, they are awesomely convenient! AOE - Animal Odor Eliminator All Purpose Deodorizing Pet Wipes. Eliminates odors on the animal including anal gland secretion, tomcat spray, necrotic tissue, urine, feces, emesis, etc.  

  • Easy clean-up for eyes and ears or use as a water-less pet bath.
  • Use in litter trays, kennels and cages.
  • Safe for use on hands, the pet, and other surfaces such as walls, floors, and counters.
  • AOE wipes can even be used for cleaning up after anal gland secretions directly on the pet, or deodorizing exam room tables and equipment.


2. KOE (Kennel Odor Eliminator)

After speaking with several groomers, we have found that many don't clean their kennels on a regular basis.  This is very important as dogs can spend hours in one of your kennels (before and/or after their bath), so make sure to disinfect between dogs and at the end of the day! KOE - Kennel Odor EliminatorKOE Eliminates (not masks) even old impregnated animal odors from kennels, cages, runs, walls and other large areas.

  • KOE is a concentrate. Add 1/4 oz to 1 gallon of cleaning solution or rinse water. This means a 16oz bottle of KOE makes 64 gallons!
  • Ratios may be varied.
  • Recommended for Clinic, Shelter, Groomer, Kennel and Home use! Not only that, it smells great!

Product Safety

  • All Thornell products are safe for use on any surface or directly on the animal.
  • As with any pet care product, consult with your veterinarian and review and follow the label directions. Contains water, proprietary essential oil blend and preservatives.
  • Keep out of the reach of children. For external use only.
  • Cautions: Effectiveness decreased when using with Chlorine solutions.