Summer Issues: Medi-Boost, Super Remedy & Protection from the Sun

8th Jul 2015

Mildly Medicated?

What does it mean when we describe a product as being “Mildly Medicated”? Let me try and explain. We have a shampoo called LAV-n-DERM. Lav-n-derm is a gentle shampoo in a hypo allergenic base. It is a soothing shampoo that is excellent for burns, abrasions or skin irritations of any kind. Lav-n-derm contains high levels of lavender essential oils. These oils are naturally antiseptic, soothing and aid in healing. Lavender essential oils are also used in aroma therapy to calm and sooth. This is an added benefit when bathing the nervous or unsure pet. Lav-n-derm is excellent for dogs that have shampoo allergies and skin allergies. The non-irritating formula cleans well and soothes at the same time. Lav-n-derm is a highly concentrated product that can be diluted as much as 50 to 1. (50 parts water to 1 part shampoo) in other words, one gallon will make up to 50 gallons of diluted product. You can choose your dilution rate depending on the severity of the problem and use a stronger concentrate for those who need it. It is safe for cats and small animals as well.

Super Remedy the Fleas and Ticks Away!

Manitoba is not well know for having fleas thankfully, but we do have a lot ticksof travelers. Many of the climes that are excellent destinations for family's and pets can also bring about infestations! Take for example, British Columbia. Fleas in that part of the country live in the environment. You do not need to have other animal contact to pick the little varmints up. Because fleas are not very common for the average family, sometimes the problem goes un noticed for a long time. This exposes other animals and the environment to flea infestations. Imagine taking a flea dog to the off leash park, or out to the lake and allowed to run with the pack. Uh oh! We have a natural and safe solution for dealing with flea and tick infestations and it’s called Super Remedy. It is safe to use on non infested dogs as well!

Sun Products are a Real Winner!

trophyAt the end of summer, after a many weeks out doors with the dogs, you are asked questions like: why is my black dog turning a rust colour, or why is the brown fading? If only they would have asked about sun protection before giving the sun the opportunity to work it’s magic! For in-shop and customer use, Sun Guard leave in conditioner and Sun Tamer spray both contain sun blocking technology. When used on a regular basis, these products will keep your customers dogs coats looking beautiful and richly coloured! Note: Aloe Bluing Shampoo and aloe remoisturizer helps to repair some of the damage done by the sun’s harmful rays It is a good idea to have a safe product for fleas around in case an infested dog comes into the shop, you can treat all the other animals in as well.