Happy Hoodie - A must have grooming aid!
26th Sep 2016
For Groomers & Home Use
For Groomers: Do you groom dogs that hate the blow dryer? If you do, we are about to make your lives easier! Pets are often scared, upset and disagreeable with the deafening noise and high pressured air associated with force drying. Introducing the Happy Hoodie, a tool that muffles the painfully loud noise of the blow dryer and keeps the high-pressured air from getting into their ears. Happy Hoodie has an almost immediate calming effect which greatly improves behavior! Click on the videos below to watch a dog being blow dried before and after it has a Happy Hoodie on.
A calmer pet makes for a safer environment and saves groomers a lot of time and frustration with the drying process. It only takes a few seconds to put on and what a huge difference it makes! Made for Groomers by Groomers- Happy Hoodie is the first and only grooming product that calms and protects pets during the force drying process.
For Home Use:
- All pets differ in their sensitivity to noise. Many of our pets are frightened by the sound of the vacuum or become terror stricken and run away at the sound of thunder, fireworks, and gunfire. Happy Hoodie can help calm your pet during these stressful events.
- In very cold weather Happy Hoodie can keep a pets head and ears warm, helping to prevent frostbite to the ears.
- Many pets have long ears and face hair that are constantly in their food and water bowls, which is just as uncomfortable for the pet as it is for the owner who has to clean up the mess.
- If your pet gets upset, scared or disagreeable with toenail trimming, brushing, bathing, drying, paw handling, car rides, visitors, Vet exams, etc., then the calming effect of Happy Hoodie can help alleviate anxiety associated with these potentially upsetting situations as well.
- Some pets have chronic ear infections or constant damp and itchy ear canals. Happy Hoodie is great for keeping the ears up, leaving the ear canal exposed for aeration.
- Happy Hoodie is also very useful in preventing ear hematomas caused by excessive head shaking, especially after an ear surgery.
Consult with your veterinarian before using for medical reasons. Click here to buy this online... New to Lynn Professional? Welcome! Visit our website at www.lynnprofessional.com.