Colloidal Silver - Benefits & Buyer Beware
28th Dec 2016
What is Colloidal Silver?
Silver is an extremely powerful and effective agent for fighting all germs and bacteria. It is known to kill over 650 different pathogens (a pathogen is a bacterium, virus, or other microorganism that can cause disease). When silver is in the presence of a virus, fungus, bacteria or any other kind of single celled pathogenic organism, it works to suffocate and kill the pathogen. Click here to view our silver online
Buyer Beware
There are many colloidal silver options on the market today, but there are a couple things to watch for when making your purchase decision:
- Packaging: stay away from plastic bottles. Silver is best stored in a dark glass bottle, keeping light off the tiny silver particles that are suspended in the solution. This is because silver particles are very sensitive to prolonged exposure of bright light, which, in turn, can cause your silver particles to oxidize and fall out of suspension.
- PPM (parts per million): a low PPM rating is better than a high rating. Nano particles need to be small so that our cells can absorb them more readily.
How Colloidal Silver Works
According to a report written by Richard Davies and Samuel Etris of The Silver Institute, in 1996, there are three primary ways that colloidal silver can help heal the body:
- Catalytic Oxidation (putting pathogens in a vacuum with no air) - Silver holds onto oxygen molecules, and keeps bacteria and viruses from using that oxygen, with no oxygen it makes it harder for the bacteria and viruses to survive.
- Reaction with Bacterial Cell Membranes (putting a plastic bag over the pathogen) - Silver ions can attach to bacteria cell membranes directly and produce the same respiration-blocking effect.
- Binding with pathogen DNA (slows pathogen reproduction) - Shown to literally enter bacteria DNA, up to 12% of silver has been detected in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. According to one source, “While it remains unclear exactly how the silver binds to the DNA without destroying the hydrogen bonds holding the lattice together, it nevertheless prevents the DNA from unwinding, an essential step for cellular replication to occur.”
Top 8 Proven Benefits of Colloidal Silver:
- Antibacterial: has an astonishing ability to control antibiotic-resistant super-bugs.
- Wound care, skin health and oral health - can soothe and fight: scrapes, mild burns, ringworm, psoriasis, eczema, etc.
- Eye and ear infections
- Antiviral
- Anti-inflammatory - colloidal silver can reduce swelling, speed healing, and boosts cell recovery.
- Sinusitis - Widely used to control sinus infections, colloidal silver can benefit people as a nasal spray, according to a study published in the International Forum for Allergy and Rhinology last year.
- Cold/flu
- Pneumonia
<> NOT INTENDED TO REPLACE MEDICAL CARE. Information in this article comes from: - Head to Tail Canine Nutrition - Donna Middleton, A.C.C.N. - Dr. Axe - Food is Medicine - 8 Proven Colloidal Silver Benefits, Uses & Side Effects - The Silver Edge - Steve Barwick