Nature's Specialties Odor Terminator Spray

$14.00 - $154.00
Config: Nature's Specialties Odor Terminator Spray
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  • Helps eliminate bad odors on dogs, cats, animal bedding, litter box, and just about anywhere bad odors lurk.
  • Use before and after bath for SKUNK odors.

Fight tough odors, even skunk spray, with this unique blend of natural enzymes and fast acting deodorizers. Eliminate those nasty smells instead of covering them up. Besides treating pets with this spray, it can be used on bedding, litter boxes, and other odor rich areas. For really tough jobs, use Nature's Specialties Smelly Pet Shampoo in conjunction. 

Contains: A blend of Water, I.P.A., Surfactant, Essential Oils, and Fragrance.