Nature's Specialties Aloe Tar & Sulfur Shampoo

$14.00 - $108.00
Config: Nature's Specialties Aloe Tar & Sulfur Shampoo
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  •  Doglyness - ALL-AROUND Skin Relief Ointment
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  • Contains USP Refined Topical Coal Tar, USP Bio-Sulfur, and other nutrients which help stop hair loss and exfoliate dry and flaky skin.
  • Follow with Nature's Specialties® Re-Moisturizer with Aloe Conditioner.
  • Dilutes up to 6:1  

Tar and sulfur based shampoo's have always been known for their treatment of hard to treat skin conditions. Although common misconceptions surround Tar & Sulfur treatments, you can rest assured we source only the highest quality, non-toxic, variations of this blend that still yields great results. Great at battling fungal conditions found on horses and adult dogs while providing great skin exfoliation to treat dry and damaged skin.

Contains: A Blend of Non-Toxic, Biodegradable Surfactants, with USP Refined Topical Coal Tar Solution, USP Bio-Sulfur, Citric Acid, and Vitamins A, D, and E. pH Balanced.